Marketing research “Washing machines market in 2009 – Q2 2012 and development forecast for 2012 - 2015 taking into account Russia's accession to the WTO. Slide statistics” includes:
- Analysis of the annual and quarterly dynamics of the main rates of the market (import / export / production / volume of the market) from 2009 to Q2 2012
- Analysis of the quarterly dynamics of the main rates of the market (import / export / production / volume of the market) from 2009 to Q2 2012
- Segmentation of production by federal districts, regions and the types of manufactured products in kind
- Segmentation of production by the types of washing machines
- Segmentation of the import/export of washing machines in kind and value terms by country
- Description of the main trends of the market of washing machines
- Characterization of the situation in the market of 9 leading Russian manufacturers of washing machines
The following rates were analyzed during the research:
Market size (2009 - Q2 2012):
- Annual and quarterly dynamics (2009-Q2 2012) of the market of washing machines in kind and value terms
- Average consumer prices for washing machines
- Main trends of washing machines market in Russia
Production (2009 – Q2 2012):
- Annual and quarterly dynamics (2009-Q2 2012) of the production of washing machines in kind and value terms
- Manufacturer’s prices for washing machines in Russia
- Segmentation of production by federal districts, federal subjects and types of manufactured washing machines
Import and export of washing machines (2009 – Q2 2012):
- The volume of goods turnover in kind and value terms, per year and quarter (2009-Q2 2012) dynamics
- Segmentation by country in kind and value terms
- Import and export prices for washing machines
Key players:
- Profiles of leading Russian manufacturers of washing machines, including the information on key performance indicators and the last balance sheet data (revenue, cost, profit from sales, etc.)
- Overall rating of the volume of production in Russia as a whole (10 companies)
Market forecast for washing machines:
- Forecast of development up to 2015 is based on the experience of the market analysis of washing machines and takes into account the data of official statistics, current market trends as well as Russia's accession to the WTO.
- The result is presented in kind and value terms
The report shows the profiles of the following companies:
"LG Electronics RUS“, LLC.
"Vestel-CIS", LLC
"Starooskolskiy Motor Tractor Electric Equipment Plant named after A M Mamonov", CJSC
"Vesta", OJSC
"Plant "OCEAN"
"Penzmash", ОJSC
"Schetmash-Eleka", LLC, trading and industrial enterprise
Table of contents 2
Main parts of the research 3
A brief overview of the situation in the market of washing machines 6
Production of the washing machines in Russian Federation (2009-2 q. 2012) 8
Production of the washing machines in Central Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 18
Production of the washing machines in Volga Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 27
Production of the washing machines in Siberian Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 36
Production of the washing machines in Southern Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 44
Production of the washing machines in Northwest Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 52
Production of the washing machines in Far East Federal District (2009-2 q. 2012) 60
Imports of washing machines in Russia (2009-2 q. 2012) 69
Exports of washing machines in Russia (2009-2 q. 2012) 86
The size of the market for washing machines in Russia (2009-2015) 103
The main manufacturers of washing machines in Russian Federation 111
Согласно результатам онлайн-опроса потребителей услуг логопедов, проведенного ГидМаркет, наиболее распространенным источником получения информации на исследуемом рынке выступают рекомендации друзей, коллег или семьи. Так ответили 37,6% респондентов. Таким образом, наиболее эффективным способом продвижения услуг логопеда остается так называемое «сарафанное радио», когда уже прошедшие курс обучения потребители делятся своими положительными отзывами и впечатлениями о конкретном специалисте со своими знакомыми или родственниками.
После взрывного роста, наблюдавшегося в 2023 году, в 2024 году темпы открытий новых заведений в России заметно снизились. Влияние на количественный рост рынка оказывает более сложная макроэкономическая ситуация, в том числе: высокая ставка ЦБ, дефицит кадров, снижение маржинальности на фоне инфляции, рост ставок по аренде и другие факторы.