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Agricultural Industry Complex in Russia 2023
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Agricultural Industry Complex in Russia 2023

Дата выпуска: 30 июня 2023
Количество страниц: 5
Срок предоставления работы: 1 день
ID: 76678
1 000 ₽

Project Idea: After conducting daily monitoring and in-depth analysis of Russia's economy and its individual sectors for 20 years, INFOLine specialists have come up with the idea of creating a unique product - a comprehensive range of research on Russia's key industrial sectors. The analytical materials include the dynamics of sector development over the past 10 years and prospects for the next three years in the following directions:

  1. "Construction and the construction materials industry in Russia."
  2. "Transport sector in Russia."
  3. "Agricultural industry complex in Russia."
  4. "Production of food and beverages in Russia."
  5. "Oil, gas, and coal industry in Russia."
  6. "Electric power industry in Russia."
  7. "Retail trade in Food and the consumer market in Russia."
  8. "Retail trade in Non-Food and the consumer market in Russia."

The research is created using a unified methodology and structure, which allows not only to obtain detailed data within each industry but also to analyze and compare the development indicators of different sectors.

ATTENTION! The research is presented in an innovative format of a convenient electronic presentation: this optimal format includes a substantial amount of graphic material (illustrations, diagrams, tables), as well as hyperlinks to essential regulatory documents and company websites.

Relevance of the research "Agricultural Industry Complex in Russia 2023."

The production of agricultural products in 2022 increased by 10% compared to the previous year. This growth, which was not seen since 2013, was supported by a record harvest of grains and oilseeds and the accumulated potential of the agricultural industry complex in the face of sanctions. Livestock farming also demonstrates positive dynamics.

In 2022, the export of agricultural products from Russia increased by 12% in monetary terms compared to the previous year, according to the data from the Russian Ministry of Agriculture. More than 70 million tons of domestic agricultural products and food were directed to foreign markets.

In 2022, the number of M&A deals in agriculture decreased compared to the previous year, but their average value increased to $61.7 million, up from $50.8 million the previous year, according to data from Rosselkhozbank.

The largest deal in 2022 was the sale of land assets by "Yug Rusi," which included approximately 200,000 hectares in the Rostov, Volgograd, and Krasnodar regions. The buyer of the non-core division of the holding was LLC "Agrotechnologies" (Krasnodar).

The company "Investkom" became the owner of the AFG "National" agroholding. The deal was closed on November 7, 2022. "Investkom" acquired the rights to claims against the agroholding's debts and later gained control over the company. The estimated value of this deal is 10 billion rubles.

In 2022, the total issuance of loans to agricultural producers increased by 15-17% compared to the same period the previous year. Seasonal fieldwork supported the positive dynamics of agricultural lending.

To thoroughly analyze the state of the industry and understand how it will develop in various segments, we have prepared this overview. With this product, you can analyze your company's development compared to competitors and industry metrics as a whole, and prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research Goals:

  • Analyze the state of the agricultural industry complex as a whole and its individual segments (meat, dairy farming, cultivation of grains and oilseeds, vegetable growing, etc.).
  • Description of the most important events in the agricultural industry segmented by market sectors and companies;
  • identification and description of the largest M&A deals;
  • identification and description of the largest ongoing investment projects by industry segments;
  • analysis of changes in state regulation of the industry (adoption and enactment of key regulatory documents);
  • analysis of export and import figures for products and international activities of industry companies.

Directions for using the research results: marketing and strategic planning. This research is valuable for a comprehensive analysis of the agricultural industry and its sectors, benchmarking, and competitive analysis of companies.

Research Timeframes: Dynamics of various industry indicators from 2011, national and regional statistical data for 2022 (production and sales volume of agricultural products, sown areas, gross harvests, export-import operations), development prospects for 2023 (macroeconomic indicators, implementation of specific investment projects).

Research Period: First half of 2023.

Advantages of the research:

In addition to a detailed analysis of industry development, you will find in the research:

  • several original rankings compiled by INFOLine specialists;
  • unique data on the implementation of projects for the reconstruction and construction of livestock complexes, greenhouse complexes, grain storage facilities, etc.;
  • unique data on the export and import of major categories of goods.

Research Objectives and Structure by Sections:

Introduction: GDP dynamics and structure, key economic indicators, main trade partners of the Russian Federation.

Part I: Current State of the Industry: Demonstration of key indicators of the agricultural industry, information on producer financing, export and import volumes of agricultural products.

Part II: Key Industry Events: Coverage of events aimed at industry support, changes in legislation, mergers and acquisitions, appointments, and international activities (food market development, food embargoes, import substitution, industry's export potential).

Part III: Situation in Individual Sectors: Detailed description of the state of all major agricultural directions, such as crop farming and livestock farming (meat and dairy farming, poultry farming, cultivation of grains, oilseeds, sugar beets, vegetables, and fruits), as well as aquaculture, mineral fertilizers, demonstration of the development of organizations' current projects.

Part IV: Survey of the Largest FMCG Suppliers: Sales dynamics of major FMCG suppliers, the share of sales by major suppliers through FMCG segment networks, company development, and government regulation. Interaction of leading suppliers with FMCG networks.

Part V: Foreign Economic Activity: Dynamics of exports and imports of agricultural raw materials and food products in general, regional and commodity structure of foreign economic activity, detailed description of the foreign economic situation in major categories (grains and legumes, vegetable oils and fats, fish and seafood, fruits and nuts, vegetables and roots, mineral fertilizers).

Part VI: Rating of the Largest Agroholdings in Russia: Description of the major market players, visualization of the regions of presence and brands of companies, dynamics of financial and production indicators. The section provides information on the following companies: Rusagro Group, Miratorg Agro-Industrial Holding, Cherkizovo Group, Agropromkomplektatsiya Group, Resource Group, Agro-Belogorye Agroindustrial Complex, Agrokomplex named after N.I. Tkachev, BEZRK-Belgankorm Agroholding, Damate, and Agroholding STEP.

Part VII: Digitalization in the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex: General overview, case studies of major agroholdings.

Part VIII: Factors Influencing the Development of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex: Production cost, import dependence in genetics/seeds, disruption of logistical chains, reduced export potential, decreased investment activity in the agro-industrial complex, decreased margin.

Part IX: Prospects for the Development of the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex: Prospects for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex. Consensus forecast of key macroeconomic indicators of Russia. Dynamics and forecast of key economic indicators of Russia. Official forecasts and estimates. Forecasts and expert assessments. Key parameters of the agro-industrial complex forecast. Key trends and factors - strengths. Key trends and factors - weaknesses. Key trends and factors - opportunities. Key trends and factors - risks. Prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex until 2025.


Information sources:

  • Data from the Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Presidential Administration portal, data from regional authorities, data from industry associations, data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), PLMA data, IFIC data, data from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Statista data, Yandex.Market data, industry participants' data (including international reports from global players), and other sources;
  • INFOLine databases on topics such as "Investment Projects in the Agro-Industrial Complex and Food Industry of Russia," and the "Database of New Products in the Food and Beverage Market";
  • Regular media monitoring as part of the thematic news services "Russian Agro-Industrial Complex. Investment and Development," Thematic news: "Market of Low-Alcohol and Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Beer in Russia," Thematic news: "Russian Spirits Market," Thematic news: "Food Industry and Food Market in Russia," Thematic news: "Retail Trade in Food Products and FMCG Retail Chains in Russia.";
  • Materials from Russian and foreign media (federal and regional press, news agencies), as well as industry-specific press.
Категории: Agricultural Industry Complex